@article{oai:ncu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001040, author = {Kaneko, Sayuri and 金子, さゆり and 樅野, 香苗}, journal = {名古屋市立大学看護学部紀要, Bulletin of Nagoya City University School of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は、基礎看護学実習における看護学生のストレス因子構造を明らかにし、実習中のストレス因子とストレス対処行動との関連について検討することを目的に、看護系大学2年次の学生158名を対象として基礎看護学実習の前後に無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施した。実習中のストレスについて因子分析した結果、7因子「看護過程の展開」「教員・指導者との関係」「患者・家族・医療者との関係」「知識・技術不足」「日々の実習計画」「カンファレンス」「学生同士の関係」が抽出された。学生のストレス対処能力を考慮して実習ストレス因子とストレス対処行動の関連を検討した結果、対人関係に関するストレス因子「教員・指導者との関係」と「患者・家族・医療者との関係」、および、実習記録に関するストレス因子「看護過程の展開」と「日々の実習計画」については学生の対処行動として「回避と抑制」が高まる傾向にあり、さらに「患者・家族・医療者との関係」と「看護過程の展開」に関するストレスについては学生の対処行動として「他者を巻き込んだ情動発散」が低くなる傾向にあることが示唆された。, The purpose of this study is to clarify the structure of stress factors during fundamental clinical practice and the relations stress factors and coping behaviors of nursing students. This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 158 nursing students of second year undergraduate students from nursing department of a university, was investigated before and after fundamental clinical practice. Factor analysis on clinical practice related stressors revealed seven factors. The seven factors were named "nursing process", "relationships with teachers and clinical instructors", "relationships with patients, families, and health care staff", "lack of knowledge and skills of student", "daily planning in clinical practice", "conferences", and "peer relationship". There was correlation between these stress factors and coping behaviors. For avoidance and suppression as coping behaviors, the result shows a significant positive, that is, there was relation to the stressors "relationships with teachers and clinical instructors", "relationships with patients, families, and health care staff", "nursing process", and "daily planning in clinical practice". Moreover, for the nursing students with high coping behaviors such as emotional expression involving others, there was negative relation to the stressors "relationships with patients, families, and health care staff" and "nursing process".}, pages = {51--59}, title = {基礎看護学実習における看護学生のストレス因子構造と対処行動}, volume = {14}, year = {2015} }