@article{oai:ncu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000403, author = {三原, 亜矢巳 and 夛喜田, 恵子}, journal = {名古屋市立大学看護学部紀要, Bulletin of Nagoya City University School of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {精神看護学実習では、学生が患者とのかかわりの中で生じる様々な反応から自己を振り返り、やりとりの意味を考えることで患者-看護者関係を発展させていく。なかでも学生が患者とのかかわりの中でしばしば遭遇する「困った」場面は、プロセスレコードの記述をとおして振り返ることで、看護者として新たな気づきを得る重要な機会となる。今回、精神看護学実習において、学生が記述したプロセスレコードの「困った」場面47例を対象に、その記述内容を分析することで、患者-看護者関係の発展における学習効果について検討した。その結果、以下の点が明らかになった。1.学生が「困った」場面は、患者の悩みを打ち明けられたり、幻覚・妄想などの精神症状に遭遇した場面などであった。2.「困った」場面において学生は、患者の言動に対してどのように答えたらいいのかといったその場の対応方法に関心が向いていた。3.「困った」場面の振り返りでは、学生は自己の困惑した感情に気づくよりも、対応方法を反省し、今後のかかわりの方向性を見いだそうとしていた。, In the psychiatric nursing practicum, the nurse-patient relationship develops as students look back on their actions from the various reactions that occur in their relations with patients, and consider the significance of their exchanges with patients. Through a process record of the "problematic" situations that are often encountered by students in their dealings with patients, students examine the meanings of their exchanges with patients. This provides them an important opportunity to make new realizations about themselves as nurses. The present study targets 47 instances of "problematic" situations that were recorded by students in the process record, and, by analyzing the contents of the record, investigates their effect on learning in the development of the nurse-patient relationship. The following points were revealed. 1. Situations that were "problematic" for students included those in which patients confided their troubles or the students encountered psychiatric symptoms such as hallucinations or delusions. 2. In these "problematic" situations, students focused not on their own perplexity but rather directed their concern toward ways of dealing with the situation, or how they should respond to the patient's words or actions. 3. In looking back on the nurse-patient relationship in "problematic" situations, students used the process of personal relations to try to discover future directions by reflecting on how they handled the situations, more than to realize their own tendencies.}, pages = {63--71}, title = {学生が困った場面を振り返ることの学習効果 : 精神看護学実習におけるプロセスレコードの分析より}, volume = {1}, year = {2001} }