@article{oai:ncu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000528, author = {大村, いづみ}, journal = {名古屋市立大学看護学部紀要, Bulletin of Nagoya City University School of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {妊娠初期から産褥期までの母親意識(母親役割の受容、子どもへの感情)と抑うつ状態の変化および両者の関連について分析することを目的に、正常な妊褥婦52例を対象に質問紙調査を行った。母親役割の受容については、全般に積極性得点が高く、消極性得点は低かった。積極性得点は妊娠末期にやや低下する傾向があり、消極性得点は妊娠末期から産褥期にかけて高くなっていた。子どもに対する感情では、子どもの人格性の意識と密着の得点が他よりも高かった。また、Zungスコアの平均から見て軽度から中度の抑うつ状態にあると考えられた。時期別には、妊娠末期にZungスコアが高く、産褥期には低下していた。しかしながら、母親意識、抑うつ状態とも妊娠時期による統計的有意差は認められなかった。一方、積極性得点と抑うつ状態との間(r=-0.47)、また、子どもへの献身得点と抑うつ状態との間(r=-0.41)には相関が認められた。このことから、母親意識と抑うつ状態との間には関連があると考えられた。この点を中心に今後、さらに対象例数の増加、同一対象の縦断的追跡など、検討が必要である。, This study was carried out to examine maternal consciousness, depressive state and their relation in women in pregnancy and the puerperal period. 52 normal pregnant women and puerparae were asked to fill out Ohinata's questionnaire on maternal consciousness (positive and negative acceptance of maternal role and emotions to child) and Zung's Self-Rating Depression Scale. Mean score of positive acceptance of maternal role was higher than that of negative acceptance of maternal role in every pregnant trimester and in the puerperal period. Positive acceptance score decreased in the third trimester. Negative acceptance score increased in the third trimester and puerperal period. Scores of consciousness for child's personality and adherence to child were higher than the other aspects of emotions to child. Mean Zung's score indicated that the subjects were in mild to moderate depressive state. Zung's score increased in the third trimester and decreased in the puerperal period. However, there were no statistically significant differences in maternal consciousness and depressive state among the three trimesters and the puerperal period. Correlations were found between positive acceptance of maternal role and Zung's score (-0.47) and between devotion to child and Zung's score (-0.41). These findings suggest that maternal consciousness and depressive state have negative correlation. Further investigation is needed, especially on this relation with more subjects and/or follow-up survey of the same subjects.}, pages = {23--29}, title = {妊娠・産褥期における母親意識と抑うつ状態について}, volume = {3}, year = {2003} }